GreenStorm.Net Launcher

You've come upon the web page of Eric A Carter.
You may also know me as:
Ecnassianer of the Green Storm (Ecna for short)
Magnus Xavier

Zergling Portrait

Last time I updated this page you could contact me at, but not anymore, I'm back in Santa Cruz for a bit:
This text is stored as an image so spammers can't data mine my email address.
Note: All the email addresses at go to me. So pick your favorite.
I'm registered to vote in Santa Cruz County (I'm sure you care...)

I'm almost finished with my Computer Science BA from University of California Santa Cruz. I work for Naked Sky Entertainment.

Now on to the launchy bits...

Logs of my life:

My Journal (read this post first)
Flickr (A picture stream I rarely update)
The Chains of Poverty Videoblog

My Resume:

The Gamer Version
The (Mostly) Normal Version

Projects I've worked on:

Student Video Games:

BattleBallz A 3D third person shooter written for windows (and ported to linux?) in C++. Uses OpenGL and TNL. Created for CMPS 115 at UCSC.
SappyLand A "Cray-shaded" action RPG/platformer made with Game Maker for CMPS 80k at UCSC. You can find other games from the class here.
Populution A culture simulator written in C++ using OpenGL. XML files are loaded as culture definitions, edit bitmaps to change the unit placement. It's not that user friendly, but it's pretty cool. Ross and I created it in about a week and a half for our Game Design Seminar taught by Jim Whitehead. Theme of the Week: Evolution. Explanation Video GamePlay.avi(Maybe One Day) How To Make a Map Video
Cybuilder The Theme Of the Week is "Discovery", build and fight your robots and discover what all the robot body parts do! Don't forget to bring a friend! Cybuilder is two-player only! 
Cupids Chaotic Conundrum Evil cupid is out to destroy all the love on the planet! He wants everyone dead. Go starts some fights and take out your revenge on that other winged bastard. The Theme of the Week is "Love".
Firehose Happy Happy Himatsu The fire station just got a new firehose! Try it out on EVERYTHING! Click here for the gm6 file. Theme of the Week is "Water".
The Unyet A Tablet PC stylus-centric Real-Time Strategy game. Videos and screenshots coming soon!
You can access the games by other students in Jim Whiteheads Game Design Seminar at the Spring 06 dforge page.
If you'd like access to any of my source code, contact me and I'll give you an SVN account.

Professional Video Games:

RoboBlitz PC, Xbox 360 Arcade A physics based adventure/shooter. Tech: Unreal Engine 3, Ageia PhysX, Novodex.


Carpe Chaos I'm the creative think-tank behind the Carpe Chaos universe. I can't draw, and the specifics of each story are Jason's, but the overarching concepts and universe are mostly squeezed out of my head.
Racist? A "Chick Tract" styled comic designed to encourage thinking about racism. A very few copies have been distributed around the Santa Cruz area. I'd like to float a few more into the world one day. I mostly did the administrative work and only had a little input on the creative aspects.

Papers and Presentations:

<under construction>
Wow Strat guide
XML presentation?
SiempreChaos documents

Other Fiction:

<under construction>
The Storm
Eric's Inferno/Purgatory/Paradise


I suppose I should put a link to my Facebook account since I finally caved to peer pressure and got one. :P
You can also find me on LinkedIn.
Chains of Poverty and Hunger